Frequently Asked Questions of Magician for Hire, Professor Phelyx

A few answers to questions that often come up when clients are looking to book a magician for their corporate events or private parties. If your question is not answered here or if you would like any clarification at all, simply use the easy contact form and expect a swift reply!

Professor Phelyx frequently travels across the country to perform.

Absolutely! Professor Phelyx is a Corporate entertainment favorite for many reasons and being “Corporate Clean” is an important one!

Upon request, a Certificate of Insurance can be provided in tandem with the Performance Agreement.

In the industry, this is often referred to as strolling or ambient entertainment. This service is no longer offered by Professor Phelyx. However, after the presentations of his show, Phelyx often enjoys some meet-and-greet time with guests and he may include a small, conversational demonstration of something wonderfully impossible during these encounters.

Including this question in the FAQ ensures that at least one person will resist the temptation to ask. Frankly, this is the most FAQ.
However, if you are sincere and want to vanish or make someone appear on stage, this magic is possible for additional fee.
TIP: To function more cohesively with the rest of the programming the recommended alternative to the vanishing/appearing act is to include your Honoree, Chancellor, Chief, Dean, CEO, General, Celebrity or fearless leader in a slightly different kind of demonstration. With just a brief, private session, Professor Phelyx can even teach this person to read the mind of absolutely anyone in the audience and the result will cause the room to erupt!
This customization question is one you are very welcome to ask!

Professor Phelyx’s performance program includes audience interaction. Magic is the original “Immersive” entertainment and mentalism is even more interactive! Professor Phelyx will read the minds of several audience members by being able to state, out loud, words or objects that are merely thought of by genuine, unwitting audience members. He also performs a demonstration wherein he is completely blindfolded and can still identify objects and drawings that are being created across the room! Professor Phelyx is also very well known for psychically bending solid steel, just inches from the front row!

This is another one of the great benefits of having Professor Phelyx perform as your featured entertainment! Aside from a couple of small, logistical requirements, Professor Phelyx is a plug-and-play entertainer with very few needs! He requires much less than most types of entertainment! On the technical side, think of this act like it is a stand-up comic.

Professor Phelyx’s programming is perfectly customizable! The recommended and most common duration of a corporate feature program is 45 minutes. However, Professor Phelyx has been performing since 1981 and he has since developed the ability to create wonderfully engaging shows of any duration! He can even split his program into two parts to run on either side of another presentation on the agenda!

Absolutely! We’ll have to narrow down the types of references, testimonials, and referrals you would like to know about. Professor Phelyx is very proud to have too many to list! Private clients, Fortune 500 companies, Celebrities, Not-for-profit organizations, Theaters, Audience members, Hotels, Comedy Clubs, Government organizations… You name it!

Professor Phelyx has been performing since 1981. He refuses to state that he has seen it all but after tens of thousands of shows, a lot has happened! This is one of the best reasons you should be looking for an experienced entertainer! They come with brains full of creative solutions and the ability to make sure that the show goes on!

Yes! Professor Phelyx is insured by Specialty Insurance Company and a COI can be provided upon request.

Professor Phelyx will consider special requests! This is an important conversation to have during the easy booking process. Please know that producing a full program is a delicate and precise art form. Not all requests may be possible.

International booking inquiries are welcomed for consideration. Phelyx will be excited to hear from you!

Friendly? Yes.
However, this is a cerebral kind of show that requires some thinking and dialogue that will be less engaging for guests under the age of 13 or so.

There are many creative ways to customize the presentation/performance for your event. Let’s create something together!

This is the highly entertaining and convincing illusion of mind-reading that employs skills and techniques to engineer perceptions and manipulate or exploit the cognitive process that we all share as humans. To put it simply, Professor Phelyx uses the fact that we are all more alike than we are different and he loves that fact!

This can be done in many ways! Does your organization have trade publications, familiar manuals, or catalogs? Professor Phelyx can use these in his demonstrations! Would your fearless leader like to demonstrate that they can read minds too‽ With just a little preparation, we can open the program with just such a jaw-dropping demonstration!
Of course, Professor Phelyx can include requested statements in his program like special acknowledgments, targeted congratulations, and gratitude to sponsoring parties. Let’s have a chat about it!

Post-show meet-and-greet sessions and preferred/front-row seating are two ideas, but we can discuss this and get creative.

Absolutely! It is important to have this short conversation about this during the easy booking process. Professor Phelyx will very happily give special consideration to specific themes and messages!

You will want to secure Professor Phelyx as soon as you are committed to a date for your event! If you are concerned that the date of your event is too soon, reach out right away to see if he can work it into the schedule!

The easy process of booking concludes with our agreement and your payment of a 50% deposit and 100% of actual transportation and lodging expenses. Cancellations are handled according to how close we are to the date of your event. Specifically, this is a proximity-to-event-by-date agreement that is fully detailed in the Performance Agreement. The policy breaks down this way. Three cancellation or rescheduling possibilities are date-dependent.
1. Cancellation 60 or more days before the event.
100% return of deposit sum. As all reservations will have been made, this cancellation does surrender all actual travel and lodging expenses.
2. Cancellation fewer than 60 days but more than 14 days before the event.
100% of the deposit can be applied to a later date OR surrendered. In either case, this does result in the surrender of all actual travel and lodging expenses which must be recalculated and collected again for the rescheduled engagement date, immediately upon scheduling.
3. Cancellation fewer than 14 days before the event. 100% of our agreement must be satisfied in this rare case. Surrender of 50% deposit, PLUS satisfaction of the Performance Agreement with Balance Immediately Due, and surrender of the actual travel and lodging expenses.
-Special considerations are on a case-by-case basis.

There is not an hourly rate structure. Rates are calculated by combinations of location, size, date, and duration. Professor Phelyx will work with you to customize his performances (this is an easy process). He also always takes time to meet and greet guests after the show!

This is another very important question. Mentalism is magic that is highly interactive and reliant on audience participation. Professor Phelyx regards the audience as the stars of the show and he treats absolutely everyone with the same genuine respect and reverence! There is zero risk that anyone would be treated differently than he wishes to be treated.

There are variables, and for events that require travel, there are reasonable added expenses for transportation and lodging. Let’s have a chat about your event!

At the time of booking a Performance Agreement is issued and serves to protect all interested parties.

Not really, No.
When booking Professor Phelyx, you are booking an entity with its own brand. However, there may be some items in wardrobe that will compliment your event very nicely. The great care and thought that will be devoted to every element of having Professor Phelyx perform at your event will also be included during the process of selecting wardrobe!


There is no hypnosis in this show.

A mentalist is a type of magician who performs illusions of mind-reading and other demonstrations of psychic abilities like making unbelievable predictions and bending metal objects with just their minds! Mentalism is a cerebral form of magic show that is highly interactive and relies on audience participation. Professor Phelyx also infuses comedy and humor in his astounding laugh-a-minute performances.

One of the many great benefits of hosting Professor Phelyx as your feature entertainment is that he comes with more than 40 years of experience which allows him to adapt to and make the most of virtually any environment! It is always preferred to have a stage that lifts the show high enough for everyone to comfortably see. For any event that includes more than 30 attendees, it is customary to have vocal amplification. Professor Phelyx travels with his headset microphone which is compatible with most systems.

There are many ways we can customize the performance and Professor Phelyx’s program! Please have a look through this list of Frequently Asked Questions and be sure to mention your wishes early during the easy booking process!

This is an important question! Professor Phelyx is proud to be regarded as a high-level professional! Assuredly, this includes the fact that he treats absolutely everyone with genuine respect! To be completely honest, Phelyx does occasionally learn potentially sensitive information about subjects in his audiences. No such information will ever be included in his performances. This information is and has always been perfectly safe and is never disclosed. It is part of the job.

Absolutely! This is a standard requirement for Professor Phelyx Performance Agreements.

Travel and lodging are considerations but there are never any hidden costs. Everything is clearly disclosed during the easy booking process.

Professor Phelyx is internationally revered for his very unique presentations and character. Do you remember The Masked Magician from Television? That fellow’s name is Val Valentino and Mr. Valentino once said to Phelyx, “Thank you for being what the Magic world needs!”
Jeff McBride is one of the Top Ten magicians in the world and he says, “Professor Phelyx is one of the GREAT magical characters of our era! His humor and charm are timeless.”
Professor Phelyx is very influenced by his affection for the styles of the 1930s and this even includes the methods he uses to thoroughly baffle his audiences!
There are no electronics, no computers, no hidden microphones, or any other modern technological devices helping him to read minds or bend solid steel!
If it is a Professor Phelyx show, it is all performed as it could have been in 1933!

Not seeing your question here?

Fill out the form and Professor Phelyx will be in touch!